DocuHealthLink is a small program that runs on your PC alongside your existing billing software. To make electronic copies of your claims, print them to DocuHealthLink precisely as you print them to paper now—that's all there is to it!
Then, with the click of a mouse, your claims are transferred electronically to us for processing, and then forwarded to your Payors. You will get immediate confirmation that we have received your claims, and the next day you will get a report of the claim status and any rejections.
Best of all, you don't need to change anything; keep your existing PC and billing system, and keep your current processes in place. There is no need to spend money and retrain on a new system. Just stop folding paper and licking envelopes!

ScanNStore is a full-featured electronic document storage and retrieval system in a small package. It's the perfect solution for increasing productivity by electronically organizing and managing paper files.
ScanNStore lets you and your staff quickly scan, index, store, and retrieve your claims, attachments, remittance notices, and other documents. You can search by multiple indexes and display claims and all related information on-screen as if looking at the original paper.
Where instant access to the right claim information is critical, ScanNStore is the right solution. Contact us to download and try out a fully functional multi-user version of ScanNStore for 30 days. Volume seat licensing and vendor discounts are available.
Scanners: Supports various TWAIN and production-level scanners, including HP, Fujitsu, Ricoh, Bell & Howell, and Panasonic. It supports single-page or multipage batch scanning, an automated document feeder, page size, contrast adjustment, and scan intensity.
Databases: Supports widely used industry-standard Microsoft Access databases and SQL Server using ODBC. Keywords or descriptive information can easily be exported from Access Databases created with Scan 'N Store into spreadsheets or other reports, or exported to create new databases. Images and keywords are stored in separate databases.
Indexing: Create an unlimited number of index fields. Use Hot Keys for fast indexing, image viewing and manipulation while indexing. Easily add or delete fields, even after adding images to the database.
Viewing: Display B&W or color images in major formats, including TIFF, JPEG, BMP, and GIF. Fast Multi-page viewing includes fast "go to" pages and next, previous, first, and last. Special magnifiers let you zoom in on specific parts of an image.
The Benefits of Using Docuhealthlink for Electronic Claim Submission Are Enormous
Find out how DocuHealthLink can turn all your paper claims into electronic transactions. Please visit the DocuHealthLink web site to register and get started. There is no cost to try out the service.